
 The half-portrait was a project for the face proportion unit. First I took a photo of me and cut in half. Then I pasted only one of the halfs in a cardboard. Then I started to trace the other side of my face watching and trying to do very well all the details. To make the other side I had the other side of the picture near me to look and then trace it also make some hints by putting the picture on top of the cardborard and making a little dot to know where my eyes starts or finishes depending what I was doing not  only the eye.  After doing everything I had to do the shadowing to give the side I traced expression. Thats how the half-portrait worked.

Making the half-portrait seemed very hard to me at first. I was sure I was going to make it all a mess and it was going to be terrible but it didn't end up so bad. First I started doing my eye and it was very hard because I still didn't know the trick of puttig the picture on top of the cardboard and doing a little dot  to know where each thing started that started to make everytihng easier for me.  When I started doing the shadows it was really hard for me because I didn't know how much I should use my blending stick so I wouldnt do the shadow to dark but in the ended I did the shawdows.  When I finished it I was happy because I thought it was going to be terrible but it wwasnt that bad. The only thing that I didnt like were the  shadows because in some parts they where to dark. Thats what I think about my half-portrait.

Value Study

The value study project was about following some steps of drawing lines, circles, figures and many other things each one will end up with a different kind of collage completly filled with different blank spaces. After following all the steps and ending up with many blank spaces I started coloring them with different ways where value studying was usea for example in the techniques for shading that were the ones that I used the most. This techniques for shading where pointillisim, cross hatching and gradation. That way using different colors and one of does different techniques for shading we filled all the blank espaces and ended up with a colorful kind of collage.

First when I started to do this I thought this is going to be fun and started doing it. When I finished drawing the lines and shapes and started painting I realized that I too many blank spaces because I did them really small but  I had alredy about 1/4 of them colorred so I decided to continue. When I finished it I was happy but at the same time dissapointed. I was dissapointed because I wanted it to have more happy colors not just serious colors. Even though I was kind of dissapointed I also liked it a lot because it was something different with many shapes and it was fun doing it.

Clay Head

The clay head project was to study face proportions. First I started taking half of a package of masa das. Second I did the neck and the oval of the face. After it I started doing the eyes. Making the eyes had many steps like making to holes to put the little ovals that are the eyes the on top of both ovals tiny tiny pupil and final put the eye lids. Then I made the eyebrows and the nose. Next I made the mouth and the ears that was kind of difficult to make them stay intheir place. After that I did the hair and then I had to let it dry for some time. Finally I painted it and then let it dry again.

I started doing this project I thought it was awsome because I had always loved to work with masa das. First everything was going right, I had everything I needed but when I took it home I saw that in the way home I had smashed it so I had to do everything again. Finally I could finish it with some things I didn't like but I did it. I think that this was a challenging project with me because when I dont like something or I got somt something wrong I like to do again everything and sometimes it's not good because somethings that were very well done end up bad so I have to decide well when I have to do again something and when I don't have to and this time I made the right decision.